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  • Writer's pictureChrista Mae


Holy adultiness, Batman! Let's talk about this for a second. Building. A house. How did we get here?? Is this actually happening? Am I even breathing?!

We ACTUALLY have a fully-executed purchase agreement on our new abode as of last week. We still have to drop off the 2nd half of our earnest money (3% down to the builder) but otherwise, this thing is official. Officially official.

When we started talking about a potential move last year, we never (ever, ever, EVER) would have guessed that this is where we'd land. Our first meeting with our new realtor was at the beginning of January and we honestly thought we'd just get the answers to our questions, learn what updates would be needed to sell our current house, and then take some time to process everything. Boy, were we wrong.

Well, not completely wrong. Mostly just about that whole "taking some time" thing. We started out by hitting up some open houses - and there were a few I fell HARD for, but Kyle kept making (to my never-ending frustration) valid arguments against them... no 3rd stall garage, the basement wasn't functional, the yard isn't fenced, we can't afford a $500k house, dammit CHRISTA... heh.

Anyway, we wound up stumbling into a model home just to see what the new construction world looked like - and it was kind of like a choir of angels for us. And totally in our price range.

So, the next few weeks were a total whirlwind of meeting with the builder, the realtor, the bank, trying to talk ourselves out of this, visiting every model home in town, and finally falling in love with a floorplan enough to schedule a pricing meeting. The pricing meeting was a little scary, and had us convinced that we'd have to wait another year before we could afford this dream house, but THEN our builder went and did something super sneaky & slashed the price on one of the lots in the neighborhood we were looking at. And all of the sudden, everything clicked into place. It made sense - financially, logistically, everything... and we decided to take the plunge.

ALL of this rambling ultimately leads me to where this post started - we are building a house! Our tentative closing date is September 1, which means we have to get our current house listed by the end of May/ early June. So we have our work cut out for us, but I'm not too terribly worried. I'll be chronicling as much of our progress (both on the selling side and the building side) as I can, so stay tuned for the madness.

Now, who wants to see our new floor plan? We're making a few modifications, but here's the base plan. We'll be meeting with the structural team this Friday & will get an updated plan that I can share hopefully sometime next week to show the changes we've made.


What else is new?

Reading: Restore Me by Tahereh Mafi & Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas

Watching: American Idol on Hulu

Obsessing over: All the pretty house stuff (still)

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