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  • Writer's pictureChrista Mae

When you're almost 30 and you're still not adulty enough, you blog.

Hi there, and welcome to this experiment in commitment, to which I have chosen to subject myself. I do hope you find something of interest here. To get started, let me ask:

Are you a legal adult who is still trying to figure out how the hell everyone else seems to have their shit together already?
Do you have interest in booze, bad puns, and cursing?
How about cats?

If you've answered yes to all or most of the above, this might just be the place for you. If you answered no to that last one, you can see yourself out right now (I'm kidding, but there's probably gonna be a lot of cats, so you've been warned).

Let me tell you a little bit about this crazy train, and where you can expect it to take you...

First of all, nothing about this blog is set in stone. I plan to evolve as a human over time, and I would expect my blog topics to do the same.

My history with blogging

I have started somewhere around 8 blogs in my life and not one of them has stuck. One made it MUCH farther than the others, though (some of you might have followed me here after my 2-year hiatus - HI FRIENDS!). Will this time be different? I'd like to think so. Maybe if you clap your hands & chant, "I do believe in bloggers, I do! I do!" and throw some faerie dust on me, this one will stick.

Why start a new blog?

I wanted to start blogging again for a lot of reasons, but primarily so I can continue to grease my writing wheels. My day job involves a LOT of writing, and we all know that practice makes perfect! Aside from that, I'm making a lot of changes in my life right now and learning SO much that, A) might be entertaining/informative for someone else in a similar situation and, B) I really just want to document. For reasons. Also, I kind of really love talking about me.

Whatcha gonna talk about?

Well, as the title of the blog and this post suggests, I'll be talking about what it's like to be an adult when you're not mentally prepared to "adult". Topics you can generally expect me to hover around:

  1. Productivity hacks | Learning how to be "responsible"

  2. Meal planning and recipes

  3. Mental health and self-care

  4. Family & Relationships

  5. "Finding yourself" (ugh)

  6. Tech stuff and apps, maybe? Idk. Sure, let's do this.

Oh, and I definitely dwell deep in the nerdiverse, so don't be surprised if I fangirl HARD from time to time - about books, movies, comics, you name it. I've got some tricks up my sleeve in this department.


Annnnd, with that I've completely exhausted my brain sauce for today. Check back soon for a get-to-know me, and feel free to like leave me a comment or stalk me on twitter/insta <3

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